The Project: Kuwait

Lesley Logan Discusses Pilates Sessions & Retreats, How to Develop an Online Fitness Business and Create Online Platforms for Training, and the Marketing Science Behind Online Trainers

Mahdi Aloun, Lesley Logan Season 1 Episode 205

In this episode Lesley Logan talking businesses and training for professionals and none professionals. With Covid-19 came business opportunity especially in the fitness world, developing an online business is a key factor in most trainers sustaining  there income over the last year. in addition we discuss the future of the. industry and what all this will mean for trainers and clients  

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Episode - Lesley LoganPilates 2

Sun, 11/8 2:54AM • 1:01:14


polities, people, exercises, workout, class, trainer, spine, glutes, body, retreats, polis, muscles, clients, fitness, world, online, instructor, shoulders, cambodia, hamstrings



You are now listening to the project quake project quake project where we stop at nothing to bring you the right backs on health, fitness and psychology, featuring some of the world's most experienced professionals. So you can learn and play with your hosts make dirty, and maybe I sat and I watched the trainer one day use the same exact program with four different people. And it's just like, dude, that's just so wrong, because every person is different, like you said.



And then I think that there's going to be this hybrid model, which we already were seeing in places like Australia, you would go to a studio to take a class. But you could also go at a time where you could just press play on a screen and follow along on a reformer or a piece of equipment with a video but just at a studio,



because it's so important, especially nowadays. And if you do three times a week, you're going to benefit and you'll see the benefits out of it. Especially if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.



You have to connect your brain to your body. Because if you're just doing the choreography of exercises often polities will feel easy. If it's feeling easy, it's because you're not doing it right.



All this and more in today's episode. Hey, everybody, welcome to this episode of the project and we are going across the world over to Vegas, right? You're over in Vegas, and let me not mess this up. Leslie Logan, yes. allottees instructor business owner markets here, you name it. She's a world traveler. She hosts retreats in Cambodia for polities, she has an amazing YouTube channel that hosts an array of different videos from I think one of them I saw was bicep curls, and which was awesome to see from a female plotters instructor. So Leslie, why don't you tell the listeners a little bit more about yourself. And thanks for coming on the show.



Hi, thank you so much. I'm really excited to be here. I do live in Las Vegas now actually moved here during the pandemic. Like, I was not a Las Vegas person until June of this year, I grew up born and raised California. So I have a California accent and, and so forgive that one. But I became a finance director in 2008. And that was actually back when there was a massive recession pretty much hit most of the world, but for sure in the US and especially in California. But I actually became really busy as a flight instructor and I had to quit my in air quotes real job, and which had all the securities that somebody would want to just teach polities. And because of that, I started getting asked questions on how to grow a bodies or fitness business. And so now here we are, more than 12 years later, I traveled the world teaching workshops on how to teach bloodies and also how to run your business. I also absolutely love lean retreats around the world. I can't wait to get back to those. And then I've been teaching polities online for several years. And so when the pandemic happened, it wasn't really a big difference in my world. But I'm really grateful that we got to have those classes out there for people to enjoy.



That's awesome. And I love how you throw it back to 2008. Because I think 2008 kind of revolutionized the fitness industry and introduced boot camps and all these class formats. There's class formats and plot ease. There's class formats and yoga and everything. I mean, would you say that 2008 this pandemic? What turns of the tide Do you see going to happen in the next six or seven months? Because I don't think we've felt the impact of the pandemic and everything that's going on. So what do you see happening in the next six, seven months? I mean, do you see everything shifting online now versus before when there was a huge shift to classes,



what's really interesting is most recessions, you will actually see fitness, survive wellness and fitness will always thrive in that time. What's interesting about this one, is because you're not supposed to be around people, the gyms are and classes are being affected the most. And we have not seen the effects of it, because a lot of them have been able to stay in operate in some capacity in some way. And they're trying to kind of hang on in there. But actually what I think is going to happen is while there's been this massive rush online, I do think that people when it is possible to back in person will go back and person there is a type of person who just wants to be don't want the accountability of showing up somewhere. They want the community, maybe they work from home all day, and they need to see people, they want to have that interaction. I do think there will always need to be an aspect of someone's business being online for people to have access to them. And so I think that the pendulum is swinging online so much, but I do think it's going to swing a little bit back to somewhere in the middle, which is great for those people who don't want to be online like not every teacher enjoys teaching virtually. I really love it. I had someone in a class I was teaching yesterday tell me that they're like you can you are a great teacher, you you're one of the best online and I was like Oh, thank you and I think it's because for me The way I teach karate is especially but I really do believe that you shouldn't have a barrier to entry just because of where you live. And so being online allows me to give access to more people. But some people, I've coached a lot of teachers who prefer in person and they want to touch the client, and they want to move the client and they want to get in there. And so I think it'll be nice when things go back to their new normal, where you can thrive in whichever Avenue you like.



And I think you bring up a really good point, especially for instructors, whether it's plot ease, or any fitness instructor, I think there's an element of entertainment when you are doing it online, and interacting with the classes that you're doing, versus a lot of these guys that I see there's zero interaction, yes, they're talking and they're trying to do the whole motivational thing. But they're not talking to the clients in that chat or in that room, saying their names. And I've seen a couple of instructors do that, where they actually use the names of the people that are in the chats. And they keep going back because there's that affiliation to that trainer, and the people that go into that class. And we haven't really seen that shift here in quake because gyms open back up, and you had the big rush of people going back to the gyms. So the online thing kind of died a little bit. But I agree with you, I think it's going to have to pick up over here, especially with God knows what's gonna happen next eight months. So I mean, do you feel that there is a level of entertainment when it comes to doing an online class,



because I have to bring all of the energy, when you're online, I just filmed three classes for my December workouts this morning. And, you know, I have to change my clothes for everyone. So it's a different day. And then I have to bring all of the energy because I can't see them when they're on demand. They're pre filmed. And so I am going back to what I know my community loves. So I have a whole community on online plus classes, comm we have a whole community of members. When I teach recorded classes, what I had to draw upon is a little bit of my days, when I thought I was going to be an actress in high school, and then I was a commercial Actress for a moment in LA, it happens. And then I also try to be a stand up comedian. When you're recording when you're whether it's a live class or a pre recorded class, you the teacher bringing all the energy, there isn't any energy in the room, when I taught classes and public, those front row people, they all bring the energy, right? Like they want to be in the front row. And so they kind of help the whole class have energy, and they help you as a teacher. But when you are doing it for virtual, it's all you and so I actually picture all of my numbers, I'm really lucky in the way I created everything on OPC, I really make sure that the members know that they are the ones that are creating the classes. So all of their wins all of their aha moments, all of their frustrations with exercises. That's what dictates what I create. And then I think about them when I'm recording. And so I'm actually talking to them in my mind and every single one so that when they're watching classes, not only they feel like I'm speaking to them, but they are excited to show up every day to take them. And so if that's not something that's a strength of yours, doesn't mean you can't do virtual or that you're not a great teacher, it just may mean that you have to figure out how do you get energy to show up in that way? Or maybe you get to go, thank goodness. And there are people out there who just want in person. And that's where you rely on your strengths.



That totally makes sense. And I mean, speaking of the in person also, let's throw it on that do you think that we are going to go back to some what have a normal life in 910 months in the in person one to one is going to work? Or do you think there's going to be a new hybrid model that is evolved from all this where it's partly in person part online, because personally, that's what I used to do. And that's what I still do with my coach, I do CrossFit. So my coach gives me well, online programs. And when he was here, I do a session a week to work on the technical things. And you know, take the program go and do you know what I had to do? So do you think there's going to be somewhat of a hybrid model later on, so people reduce the amount of risk that they're under?



Yeah, I think there's gonna be an element of I think that you get to choose your own adventure as a business owner, and then like, make that your unique thing. So I actually think I will probably stay virtual forever and only do in person on retreats, and when we travel, and that's just going to be how we are we moved our studio in home. And I don't know how I feel about people coming into my sewer. So I'd rather just meet them in Cambodia or Thailand or somewhere where we're doing retreats. But I do think that there are people who need to have in person they need not just for accountability, but just for what's going on in their body. They need the someone's eyes on them 360 degrees. And then I think that there's going to be this hybrid model, which we've already we're seeing in places like Australia, you would go to a studio to take a class, but you could also go at a time where you could just press play on a screen and follow along on a reformer or a piece of equipment with a video but just at a studio. So they already have this hybrid model happening. I think what we'll be doing helpful for instructors just to have some like, positivity optimism is however you like to show up as a teacher on this planet really own that, and then know what clients need that. Right? Like actually go, okay, people who want to come in person, who are they? And why do they want in person? Why would they risk doing in person over, you know, online and really market towards that and that your in person options and how you're able to keep people safe, make you unique and special? And if you are someone who's like me, and I'm like, I'm just fully virtual, well, what are the benefits of being fully virtual? And why does that better for people who need that? You know, I think for me, I used to go to classes in person all the time when I lived in LA. And then now that we've been virtual, I only want to take virtually because I can go from my office to getting on my peloton, I can go from my you know, from walking the dogs coming to my studio and working out. And so I think I don't want to lose that time and traffic to get to the class anymore. So I think you just have to know who you're trying to serve, and then why the option you are offering is best for them and not worry about it. But I mean, we've got a lot of time to get there. So there's time for people to figure that out. You know,



no, that makes sense. And I think he hit the nail right on the head when you were talking about like knowing who you're speaking to.



We were talking about marketing before the show started. And I used to be a marketing, I was a marketer for about 10 years. And I had one of the hardest jobs of marketing Mexican food, Taco Bell, to Kuwait, Arabs, which, you know, it's like, first thing I did is I walked in there, I was like, Why are all your ads in English? The Americans and you know, the British people, they know who we are. It's the Arabs who have no clue who we are. And they almost killed me because I changed their logo to Arabic. I was like, Look, everything needs to be Arabic from here on out. You know, we need to talk, we need to paint a picture of the Kuwaiti person we're talking to that is going to buy our food, and then we have to market to them in the language that they understand. So they know what we're talking about. Now, going with that, what about the plotters instructors right now, and I'm going to go back to what you were talking about, I'm going to backpedal a little bit, you were talking about with the plot these instructors say no plot is has to be in person. It's very, you know, lead by touch type of exercise. And plot ease is very technical. I've done a couple of classes, the instructor that I had absolutely sucked. So what would you say to those teachers that are like, No, it can't be online, because it's such a difficult workout routine to follow. And there's so many things that you actually have to do in the posture and A, B and C, what would you say to that?



I love this question so much, I would actually say if they knew how just a plot is created this method, they would actually trust that it's okay for people to work themselves out. When you would go to Joseph Nye studio, you only got five privates with him. Five, that's all. And then you had to work yourself out. So yes, you showed up to his studio, but you've had your exercises. And you went in and you self led your workout. And then he or his wife, Clara, which was technically known as wife, but we'll go with it, they call them that, and then some assistant would give you corrections. That's it like they would in fact, your supplies would would just go use your gut. And that would be like that was his correction, right. And so many people, like not only survived it, but then went around the world, the digit. And so I hope that there will always be an in person option for people for polities, because especially for those who are recovering from an injury or ache or pain, it is necessary. Also, you know, not everyone has the luxury of having a Cadillac and a reformer and a baby chair and a wooden chair in their house. You know, you can have one of them. There's room for that. But I do think having the option of an in person is necessary. But I also challenged those teachers who are like, I have failed to touch them, they have failed to do this, right? The reality is, is that a lot is is not a perfect, it's a practice. That's it, which means that there's going to be some ugly qualities out there. There's going to be some people who are in process. And you're being there to fix everything and like helicopter polities teach them. And this goes for trainers and yoga instructors as well. If you're always there to like, make sure your client makes no mistakes, then what are they going to take with them when they leave, they're actually not going to have confidence that they can walk down the street and not trip and fall and like catch themselves. Like the reason we do polities is so that we do life better. That is exactly why he teaches that is what I want to impress upon everyone. And so my job is to help you do the best you can that day so that you have autonomy and competence that you can like actually move your body yourself. So when you trip down a step, your body actually picks your legs up and catches yourself and then you have competence to operate on this planet. And I think the teachers who try to be there for every mistake and push every shoulder into place their knees and And don't do that don't do this, whatever fitness model you're teaching, you're actually doing a disservice not only to your business, but to your client, because they're actually going to feel like they actually can't do the workout without you. And then they start to not actually want to work out with you, it does the opposite of client retention. And so my challenge then is allow people to be a little messy, and be in process and have a practice



night. And that makes total sense. I love that you say that, because it is so true. And I had a psychologist tell me before Well, if you're with me, for more than seven or eight months, I'm doing a really bad job, because you haven't fixed yourself, you should be able to take the tools that I give you in here and go off into the real world, and you know, operate without any issues, I agree with you 100%. The same goes for fitness, whether you're in polities, or CrossFit, or, you know, normal bodybuilding, I have never had an instructor or trainer or coach and bodybuilding or working out, you know, the only guy that I had is was a guy to motivate me that was about it. But other than that, the only time I had a trainer or coach was when, you know, I tore my labor him and both my shoulders, and then my current coach, you know, got me back because it was rehab based training. And I needed someone to, you know, make sure that I didn't go overboard with what I was doing, because I tend to do that all or nothing. And then a



crossfitter go overboard. No. Well,



I wasn't even in CrossFit. At this point, I was still a baseball coach and slash men's league baseball player. So I still went zero to 100. I never had any in between. And you know, that's why I knew Alright, I have a physical therapist, I need a trainer to keep me in line when I'm in the gym. So I don't do something stupid, because I am the guy that will be like, Alright, you know what, I can do some overhead presses, they won't harm me, because I get bored with, you know, the boring stuff, right? But I agree with you 100% that you need to learn on your own as an individual. And as a coach, you need to equip your students, in order for them to go off into the real world. What do you think of these coaches that are these trainers that build that model? So that their client continues to sort of go back into that cycle of just going to them three times a week? And they continue to do it? Sort of like, Okay, well, I got to keep this business model. And it turns into that cycle. And I've seen it with a lot of coaches out there. What do you think of those coaches? And do you think that is something that could sustain over a long period of time? Certainly, some clients want that, and they want someone over their head. But there are some clients that realize later on, oh, this guy's been playing me for about seven months, because I know all this crap. What do you think about that?



I think a lot of people are afraid of change, including trainers. And so where I worry for them is burnout, like you're gonna get bored. You're bored. And so I think a really strong confident trainer wants their clients to continue to progress. So maybe you still see the same person for three days a week for years. But they should be much further down the road and have a very unique training guide that's different than where they were when they started. You know, I definitely before I moved had clients I had for 12 years, they started with me at 70 and 82, they were doing exercises that some of my 40 year olds couldn't do. Yeah, that's amazing. I don't think that there's a cookie cutter workout. And so I worry for the trainers who operate in that way that I think that they're going to get burnt out. And then they're going to get frustrated because the clients that stick with them are ones that are just showing up being told what to do and leaving, there are those people and they need those teachers. So if you're trying not to be stuck as an instructor, or a fitness trainer, and you're trying to stay inspired, you have to continue to challenge your knowledge and to continue to learn and you have to continue to see like, is this what my client needs right now? Do they need this, I mean, I don't do for private clients and classes, I rarely do any planning. Because when someone walks in, even on zoom, I'm looking at how they sit I'm looking at how they walked in what their energy level is, it's going to dictate everything that their body does, like our issues are in our tissues. So if you had a stressful day, trust me your workouts gonna be different than when you had a really awesome day, you know, your body is just going to operate differently and so I can't pre plan a workout like a renew the sets and we're gonna do these sets. We're gonna do it again on Thursday and then we're gonna add some weight like I can't do that. And I I think for them, I just challenged them to continue to see like, Am I progressing my client so that they can either go down to once a week with me for maintenance and the rest are on their own or maybe they just graduate and they just come back from time to time to get a workout. Like I do think people really do want autonomy and you telling people Okay, you've graduated make some what you more think they they really do. I have friends who have always been online trainers and their entire goal is to get you to work on your own without them. That's their whole goal. They literally train you to be your own trainer and I believe in the way that I teach karate so I teach Um, there's an order on the mat and there's an order on the reformer and so my members can either be mat members or mat reformer members if they have a reformer and I do use an order and I will admit exercise From time to time I teach with a theme every single week, there's a theme to focus on so that they can get better at the exercises. So when they're traveling or they don't have Wi Fi access, and they can work themselves, that's the goal. I want them to go, oh, what did Leslie say should do here? Okay, this and then do it on their own and have their own exploration, their own aha moment. So that's a really long answer to say, I really hope those trainers are continuing to find ways to inspire themselves and challenge people to grow and teach themselves.



It's funny you say that, because there are trainers that I've seen that literally kind of use the same exact program with every one of their clients. I sat and I watched the trainer one day, use the same exact program with four different people. And it's just like, dude, that's just so wrong. Because every person is different, like you said, and I love the fact that you bring up a good day versus a really crappy day, because that does dictate the way that your body moves. And how does that work in polities? I mean, I can tell you if I have a really bad day. I mean, back when I was younger, if I had a bad day, I'd use that fuel for the fire in the gym. But now that I'm older, I can't use that fuel for the fire. It just sucks. It sucks the life out of me. And I'm like, Alright, I'm angry. I can lift heavy right now. And it's like, shit, why is everything feels so heavy? You know? So, I mean, a lot changes with age, and I can't lift angry anymore, which is weird, because I did it so much of my life. So how is it polities, though? I mean, what's the game plan with that?



I love that you so that I definitely remember like when I was stressed out, and I could go for a run and just run it off. And now I'm like, I don't want to run angry anymore. I don't want to. I just don't like a lot is is a mind body spirit workout, for sure. Without the whoo of yoga, to be honest. But you have to connect your brain to your body. Because if you're just doing the choreography exercises, often polities will feel easy. If it's feeling easy, it's because you're not doing it right. Like that's what it is. I've been doing it for 15 years of my own body, and it gets harder every time. Like the more connected you get, the harder it gets. Even the beginner exercises, you realize, Oh, these are just beginner because they're safe to do they're actually really freakin hard. So with a lot ease, my goal is to help people have awareness of how they are in their body that day. And if I'm teaching you in a class and you're getting upset with me, you're choosing like my kind message on how you should move your arms is making you irritated with yourself or with me or with the situation you're in. That's awareness of how you're choosing to receive messages that day. And that's going to dictate the whole day. And so Wouldn't it be nice if in your workout, you're like, oh, wow, I'm really being mad at myself for doing a roll up wrong. Yeah, really. So then you can go okay, how do I reset that? How can I see what is possible. And so to me polities, because you have to focus on what is moving where and what's moving that, like what body parts are actually moving you through, you may be upset in those first five minutes, and you may hate me during the hundred are doing but work or whatever, because you're just like irritated from your day. But with breath because Polonius has so much breathing. And it requires you to inhale and exhale through your nose, which really requires more muscles to be used also calms the mind, by the end of your workout, you don't remember what was bothering you when you started. You just don't because you're not in a reactionary state, you actually get yourself into the state of your brain where you can actually go, Okay, so wait, what was the problem that work today? Or what was the problem over here? Oh, we just need to do this. Like it just brings you into yourself and brings you out of that flight or fight mode and puts you into the Okay, this is actually not that bad. And so when you do polis correctly, you are thinking about what you're doing while you're doing it means you can't think about anything else. And then you're focusing on that breath moving through your body. It's an instant, calmer, and grounds you and so that's like my big thing with everybody is like how can I get them to connect more of themselves? So a they can connect more to others. And I can have this like a better day. No more awareness in themselves.



Yeah, no, I mean, that's awesome. It makes total sense. And speaking of please, I want to dive into this a little bit. And you talked about footwork, and I'm so glad you brought that up in around 2006 or 2003. Maybe it was a while back. I was listening to Jason Varitek, I don't know if you know who he is. He was a catcher for the Red Sox for like 10 years two World Series, in my opinion, one of the best, you know, leaders that a team could have. And they're like, what have you been doing different? He's like plotters, man. And I was like, Why? I was like 1819 at the time and I'm like, What the hell is polities? So, you know, like a typical 1819 year old I you know, I'm like, Alright, let me find plot ease and I went to a plot ease class and I was like, this shit ain't for me. Yeah, like I just did not get it couldn't connect. Maybe it was the instructor. It probably was at the time. But a lot of athletes have used polities to do you know a lot of good to their bodies, especially, you know, ones that are prone to injury. And when you're at that pro level, it's really important to gain that mind muscle connection. Can you jump into the different types of policies? And how can athletes use it to their advantage?



Yeah, so it doesn't surprise me as an 18 year old, it wasn't definitely for you. And I think it's important to know that like, the fitness world has like its own, like trends, right? And so if you're coming into polities, and like the trend is to like, bulk up or be super strong, or like, especially for guys who are growing up, like they just want to be stronger and have a hold on and be bigger polis is not going to be like, Oh, this is the thing. Yeah. Yeah. Because it doesn't bump you up. It doesn't do sets, you if you're doing a lot as you do every exercise one time, you do less than 10 reps. That's it. So you don't really feel sore, which a lot of people think is a sign of a good workout until you're more advanced, and you're connecting and getting that a center contraction. That



is so true. That is such a good point. I don't mean to cut you off. But people always think, Oh, I can't walk like two days later. That must have been a good workout I had two days ago. And I'm like, dude, there was something wrong with that workout, man if you can't walk, because you know, in general, you're not supposed to feel that way. Yeah,



that's damage. So



with all of your experience, can you elaborate a little bit on that? Yeah. So



an element of soreness within one or two, one ish days of a workout where you can still move your body but you feel soreness, that's fine. Because you're you're stressing the muscles, it's a little bit of a breakdown, and that helps them build back up. And also your muscles pull on your bones, which adds stress to your bones and makes them grow stronger. So people want to be stress free. The reality is, is that your body gets stronger with a little bit of stress. It's like everything in moderation, though, right? Yeah. When you are still sore Several days later, or worse, you weren't sore at all, and then you got sore. That's when you've done some major damage. And you need to review your workout when it comes to philosophy. So what people don't realize is you might actually feel like this crazy burning, like, Oh my gosh, this exercise needs to end and you'll be so sore tomorrow. And you're not because the reality is we did less than 10 paralyzes about wallet movement, not quantity of movement. And there's a lot of proof that like after so many reps, you stopped actually engaging in the exercise. So like 10 reps, you're totally engaged, you're counting, you're in it more than that, you start to go, Okay, what am I doing later today, that's another one, you know, you just start to kind of go through the motions. And so there are a couple of schools of thought for validity. So there's a physical therapy based one that's definitely getting more spot training, like physical therapy is there's something called contemporary flies and something called classical bodies. And I'm a classical teacher. So I can actually speak to that better, which is I follow Joseph qualities orders and his intentions for the exercises. So on the mat, there's an order and on the reformer, there's an order that doesn't mean that every single exercise in the order is for you or for you today. And then there are hundreds of other exercises you can do on other pieces of equipment that I use to decide what your body needs to get better. So for athletes, I used to teach a lot of football players. And my goal is to help you have as much flexibility as you have strength. This is where injuries happen, either doing too many of the same things. So like pitchers who just keep pitching, that's going to be a wear and tear injury. Or if you are really, really strong like in your chest and your biceps, but your back's really weak, right, like that's going to cause an injury. And you're also going to be really tight. And so implies we want you to be as strong as you are flexible. So I also don't want about it, it's too super flexible, because that's going to get damaged because you don't have enough strength to hold your body together. So our job in Palladio is to tighten with loose, loosen what's tight, and that actually helps prevent injury because you're not overly tight or flexible in a particular area of your body.



That makes sense. There's been some articles and some research that's popped up and some anecdotes saying that being tight sometimes for certain body types is actually a good thing and it stops you from getting injured. What would you say to someone that said that? Do you believe in that? Do you think there's any merit to it? And do you see that maybe taking hold? Because I've talked to and I've read and I've seen a lot of people saying it lately over the last year that Okay, yeah, you want to loosen up, but you still want to maintain some of that tightness to protect your muscles. So what would you say to that?



I think they're probably saying the same thing i'm saying is that you have to have a balance. If they're listening and they disagree with me, I'd love to hear them. But the reality is, if your shoulder is tight, and you reach into the back of your car to like, tell your kid to not be so loud or to grab your backpack, that arm is outstretched, it's very distal from your body. If you grab if you're a woman, you grab a purse, if you're a male, you grab your gym bag and you go to lift it up. And not only is your shoulder in a particular state that's going to be compromised and you lift that up if you are overly tight, and you don't have the flexibility to do that reach and then you grab that bag, you're going to have to have a balance and so I don't want someone to be so flexible in their spine. They can't hold themselves. up. I don't want to be so tight in their spine. They can't bend over.



Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah,



I think you absolutely have to have balance. Now. I'm a hyper mobile body. So when I feel my hamstrings are tight, I welcome that. Because I'm like, ooh, very undecided. Yeah. From my ballplayers when their hamstrings are tight, that's not okay. Because I know if they go to snap and do something really quick here



to hamstring. Yeah,



exactly. And then not only are they out of polities, or out of the game, they're in, like, who knows, and depending on their age, who knows how long that's gonna last for. So I think you can't be one or the other, you have to find the happy medium in between. And so, what I love about polarities, and why I think a lot of athletes like to use it, it's a full body workout. So it's not going to overwork where they're already dominant from their practice and from their games. And while you are contracting something, you're stretching it, so you don't just relax, like and fold over your legs and stretch your hamstrings, you actually contract your hamstrings and then pull on them. And that's an act of static stretch. And that actually creates flexibility and creates more strength in the body.



I love that you said that. Because as a baseball player, you know, I have to torn labor was one of my left arm one of my right. And I've always had wicked bad elbow injuries because I'm hyper mobile, especially my right elbow. And I never understood that the rear delts were the stopper muscles. So it makes sense when you keep stretching that muscle out and you don't work it it's going to be loose and you know, it's gonna break at the end of the day. Yeah, and I think that's why plot is made mainstream with some sports in you know, the mid 2000s was because of that. A lot of baseball players saw results from doing it, especially Varitek he had I think he had knee surgery. Yeah, and that's when he kind of started doing it and it made sense to me, but I was still going to the gym and I was like, Nah, dude, I'm not doing that.



I love that I you know, first of all, I love these said wicked you totally did Boston. Also, like I think it's important to Joseph polis is a boxer, okay. And he was in the Isle of Man and internment camp in World War One. This man was a circus performer and he designed bodies for men. So back when he designed this, this is back when women weren't even considered allowed to work out like they only what recently in my lifetime, let a woman run the Boston Marathon, you know what I mean? Like, chased her out. So polis was designed by a man foreman, what happened is dancer started to come professional dancers. And then there are so many female dancers who took it across the world, that it became more of a female dominated practice as far as practitioners go. But a lot of exercises, when you see a male do with them, you're like, oh, that was designed for a man for sure. Because there's just so much more strength added to them. And so I love to challenge my female clients to like, like, you can do this exercise just because it was designed by me, you can do this and make you really strong. But because of the trends of bulking up and getting bigger polities was left behind by the men and the women took it on, because women didn't want to bulk up no matter what science shows about the way muscles are built. Like, that's I haven't, right, so but what I love about athletes is they really have shown that, you know, there's this whole thing like real ninja bodies, like, if you want to have an upper hand in your sport, or in your practice or in your CrossFit. If you add polities, even just the mat at home by yourself, you will see everything you do being better, because coladas helps your whole body work together as you're doing it. So you're not ever just like when I go to the gym with my trainer, if you're doing like an overhead press, yes, your whole body is doing it, but you're gonna really feel it in your upper body, right? Yeah, in Hawaii is when you do anything, your whole body is working, and you will feel your whole body work.



So what would you say to someone like myself, I mean, personally, you know, I do my mobility before my workout, I do my mobility after my workout. So I stay mobile. In my workout. There's a lot of core stuff like hollow holds, or I don't know what you call it. The it's like a reverse hollow hold. So you're on your stomach. Yeah, I'll do flutter kicks, you know, where I'm in a hollow hole doing a flutter kick or Russian twist and a hollow hole. So I do a lot of core work. I definitely do get core work and and stuff. Yeah, but how could I integrate polities into my CrossFit program, which me my workouts, I do competitive CrossFit. Because, you know, I refuse to admit that I'm old. So I still do competitive CrossFit. So I could go and, you know, jump into classes and you know, do the master stuff here in quaden in the Middle East, but how can I integrate it into my program? So I don't get hurt by adding that extra volume? Sorry, that's a loaded question, by the way.



Yeah. So if you're only like 18 or 19, in like the 2000s. You are definitely not all because I was older than you then. So no, you're not old. So it's not a question. So really great question. So people are always trying to go like, what do I give up to do parties and it's the reality is nothing except for obviously find time. And I would say if you're doing that mobility stuff before and after, I would just take one of those and make it applies mat practice, that's it, I would just nuke I do I have an enterprise class, it's 15 minutes long, and it will just do all the things that you needed to do. Or I would challenge you to add the 30 minute one, I would do it after CrossFit. And the reason is, is that you could use it as your stretch at the end. So that's like, because there's equal parts of stretch and strengthen. So when I used to train my trainer, I would do my practice after my private practice after as my stretch, and then I used to be a runner, and so I would run, and then I would do is after instead of stretching, and I had no injuries, I was competitive runner, won the LA marathon relay, you know, so no hip or knee injuries, I've never had any surgery from any thing like that. So I would just say you do after and I would say just two to three times a week would be enough. If you're doing it for 30 minutes, you're gonna feel the effects. And about, if you're doing it two to three times a week, I say at the end of the month, you're actually going to see you're going to see the difference in your CrossFit and everything that you're doing, you're just going to notice a difference in how you do stuff. And all that core work is really awesome. It really does make the muscles of your body looks super good. But as far as functionality goes, I'll be super honest, if you can lie on the ground, and roll up to sitting and your legs don't lift off the ground, then that's a functional core. Most people when they lie on the ground, and they go to sitting their legs lift to and they kind of fold in half, like I come off like a mousetrap. And so we want to get your spine to have some ability in that core strength. And so I would just say do it after a few times a week. And that would be enough.



Yeah, I know that. I mean that that makes a lot of sense. So what would one of these half an hour sessions look like? Like? What are some of the movements that whether it's me or some of the power lifters I mean, we have a huge array of different listeners that listen to this show, from power lifters to crossfitters. To everyday gym goers, trainers, you name it, people that are interested in psychology, because we have two different segments a week, you know, we have the site with dr. D. And then we have the fitness segment on Sundays. So what would a half an hour session twice a week look for twice a week for a crossfitter or a power lifter? If they wanted to integrate it? What would I be doing? Like? Could you kind of give me an overview of what I would possibly be doing in one of the classes or, you know, polis for half an hour?



Yeah. So my goal is to get you to do the original Matt order, because it literally works you from front to back and side to side.



What does that entail? Exactly? Sorry. I'm I am. Yes. So like we had Katherine on the show last year. And she gave us a great overview of polarities. And we talked a lot about it. That episode was awesome. She's based here in the Middle East, and quite especially, she's wicked cool, very well known. And it was so long ago, and I was supposed to do a session with her COVID started. So it was like, all right, that didn't happen. So I'm still ignorant to what palot is, actually is, you know, I know a couple things here and there. But



yeah, so you're going to be on the ground, you just need a mat. That's all and I would say a little thicker than a yoga mat. To be honest, you want it to be 10 millimeters. If it's too thin, you're gonna fill the wood floor below you and it's not super fun. We start lying down on your back, we work your way to sitting up, and then we flip you on your stomach, and then we work into kneeling, and then we work your onto your side. And then you know, we keep going back and forth. We also eventually get you upside down. So you're actually doing a lot of core work. Stay on your shoulders with your legs up, which is not going to happen the first month you're doing Fulanis but you'll get there and you end with push ups.



I have to throw it out there. I'm a crossfitter I can handstand walk like no tomorrow, but I cannot hold a handstand. I'm trying to hold handstands it is just not happening. Yeah, I just keep walking. So that would be awesome. Yeah, that's like right in my wheelhouse. Yeah,



we always end with push ups. And then you roll up from your pushup to standing up and you feel what you're like, Oh my god, this is me standing my own two feet. So the push ups every male loves and there's like seven different variations we can do to like, let you feel like you own your push ups. But those holocausts you're talking about there's different variations of those you'll see and applies practice from being really low to the ground to being like more of a be in yoga, they call it a boat pose. But in polarities it's not exactly the same because we definitely don't want you to quad out I want you to use your glutes. There's so much hamstring, glute connection and polities it makes things really awesome so that you don't just constantly work your hip flexors, most fitness, most fitness out there works your front end, if you're lucky your back but rarely your sides and pull bodies, make sure that you're always activating those obliques, your outer hips, those glute medius and minimus that's actually going to prevent injury and help a balance. And so what you would experience first you do the hundred and this is weird exercise where you pump your arms and I do a challenge with it because most people hate the exercise. They don't get it but the purpose of the hundred is you're holding this like like a low hollow core pose where you just like got your leg And your head and chest hovering off of the ground, and your stomach is engaged and your glutes are engaged, and you're pumping your arms from your back. So you should feel your upper back are getting crazy. And those pumps are trying to destabilize your transverse abdominus. And most people, when they do core workouts do not connect their transverse abdominus, they only work their rectus, and maybe their obliques. But they're not actually getting that transverse abdominus to come and connect over their abs. And then those pumps try to D stabilize it, which makes it super fun at last a minute. And then you lay down, we try to roll you up to sitting and back several times. And then we try to roll you overhead. So you do a roll up but with your legs going over your head. And we do that a few times. So we start to really work your spine and then you start doing rolling exercises. And we just keep going until we've worked your spine and twists and extension and flexion in a tall back. So literally trying to have strength with your spine tall, and inside bending. So there's five spine shapes and bodies. And we try to do all of them every single time and you want the longest flexion the longest extension, the longest side bend, so you're never collapsing anything, and you're not allowing those dominant muscles to take over. So for you, it would probably like the exercise that you would do would maybe take you 15 to 20 minutes, maybe. And then as you progress and get more advanced and more connected than your 25 to 30 minutes workout.



That sounds very interesting. It's something that I've looked at, like maybe I should take baby steps to this. Yeah,



I would say anyone listening, like I have an intro series that is not beginner, but it is introduction like because the beginner exercises are actually really hard. But like I like to teach people here are all the different things your spine has failed to do. And then just keep doing these. And when these get easier. Here's another level. And here's another level. So you just keep adding on. And you know, you just do the best you can. That's all



you know what i love that you said when you talked about you know rotational movement and sleepy butts syndrome, I think you brought up a really good point that most modalities neglect, and that is rotation or some type of rotation in the workout. And you don't see it. You just you don't see people doing wood chops, for instance, or a pal off press with a rotation. And do you see that as you know, they say the forward shoulder thing is a pandemic and everyone's got the forward shoulders and rounded and everything. Which I yeah, we all have it. It's there. We all know about it. But I think the worst part is going to be when people just can't stabilize their spine and rotate. And I've been seeing it a lot more people, they rotate less and less and especially in sports nowadays. Can you talk about how bad that is for the body and



the spine?



Yeah, so the shoulders forward comes from so many things, computers, phone, and it's actually affecting your everyone's heads. If you guys just go to the airport and look at people's heads, they're all forward a percent problem with that is it actually is taking people into that caveman mind that head forward is actually taking us back in evolution. And that's why people are reacting so strongly to if you bump into them on the street, they like react like you just attack them. It's because their head is going forward and causing them to live in that lizard like brain where they're constantly scanning for attack. But there's no attacks, we have no lions or Tigers around us, we're just human beings. And so we have to get the head back. And so that forward shoulder thing, there are exercises and polities that are specifically trained to get your arms on your back, which pull your shoulders back, which will help pull your head back. So those are some great things. There's also some wall exercises everyone can do that cost you nothing, everyone's got a wall, you can get your head back on the wall and you can feel your neck muscles in your upper back muscles. pull that back to your question about the spine and a twisting and rotation. It is really crazy how quickly people's spines degenerate when they stopped twisting. And if you go to grocery stores and you see people with their groceries, they shuffle they like look at the stuff on the shelf, and then they shuffle their body to put it in the cart, right? People are not twisting, looking at the thing and twisting back and put in the cart. And that is so that the first final shape we lose is that twisting motion. And as you get older, if your spine doesn't twist, guess what, you're just going to actually get older quicker. So we're only as old as our spine as young as what Joseph bodies would say. And so if you have a really tight spine that can't twist and you're 30 years old, you are old. If you I've seen 85 year olds have spines that look like a snake and they are young and they live really active lives because their spine is not stiff. So y'all got to get your spine twist on and there's a mat exercise for that you could just do sitting at home on the ground and squeezing your legs tight together. Do you want to get those outer hips to squeeze and then you take your arms wide to the side you just see how much you can twist without moving your feet. So if you're listening to this and you're somewhere like sit up and twist and just notice just one foot go in front of the other. If that happened, that's not twisting. That's called turning gotta give Your hips down. Yeah, and twist. And it's crazy. Like if I get off a plane, my spine twist is completely different than if I bend at home and able to do my workouts every day.



No, that makes sense. And personally, and this is to x baseball players, I still go outside at least two or three times a week, and take a few cuts from the left side and the right side, because I've learned what imbalances can do. So if I take 10 swings from the right, I'm going to do it to the left. Yeah, I've learned that you have to keep that balance. I mean, my right arm was so overused that I thought my left arm was stronger. You know, my right arm is the dominant arm. But yeah, I always thought my left hand I thought there was something wrong with me that my left side was stronger, but it was just my right arm was just so fatigued. You know, I overused it for everything, right. And sure enough, like my right elbow totally broke down when I was about 33. And it was horrible. It was about a year and a half, you know, going to different physical therapists trying everything under the moon, from needling, which was the first time I did it, which worked really well. So that was pretty cool. But you also mentioned the glutes and the glute, Meade, and sleepy butts. And that is, I think, just as bad as the forward shoulders, if not worse.



I know everyone's butts are going off, they're falling off.



It's true. No, it's 100%. True. And, you know, like, I tried to do my best to keep my glutes active. And the other day I looked at my wife, I go, alright, I think my butt's coming back, my jeans fit differently now. Especially as a guy, it's something that you lose, you lose that connectivity to your glutes, and it leads to so many injuries,



you know, there's that old man, but where you like, see those old men who's like, their butts are like concave. Like,



I don't want to see that guy that has that huge gun all the way out in front and then zero, like just this big flat back. Like, that's what I'm trying to avoid right now. You don't want



to have your jeans around your waist because your butt can't hold on.



I know. I know. Right? So I mean, what are some of the polities exercises or movements that will help wake people's butts up?



It's so funny, you asked this because yesterday, I was teaching one of my community classes, and those are done live. So people can like, make requests. And then I create the class based on those requests. And one of the girls goes, my three year old just came up and said you have a better butt. And she's like, why she's like, it's like, full of butter. That's what her daughter, three years old said to her. Like, we've got to work on this. And I was like, Okay, well, I don't know where she learned that. But let's talk about it. So especially in the way that I teach boys, because I really like to get people to activate, I call it their fast, it's where your thigh meets your butt. So that but below the butt is a connection of muscles, hamstrings, inner hamstrings, glutes, that all comes together. And most people don't work those they squeeze their glutes, and they get that glute max to work, but they actually miss out on everything else. And they can even have really good glutes and their hamstrings aren't active and so internalizes a lot of times where you send your legs away from you. They're very, they're extended out from you, they're hovering off the ground. And yes, your quads can do that, for sure. But what if you actually hugged your outer hips in and actually had your outer hips and your hamstrings engaged like an isometric contraction, would that be like and so in every single plies exercise, you should be activating your outer hips and your hamstrings, for sure. It's going to keep anything from those hip clicks that people feel when they take their legs, like some people feel like a hip clicking in a flutter kick, right? Like you get this little click, that means that your glutes aren't working. And so your femur is just in the socket, like floating, hanging off of attendance. And so you got to get those glutes on. So I don't believe in spot training. But if you wanted to just like kind of get into your glutes using plays, exercises, then shoulder bridge would definitely activate that. And then single a kick and double a kick where you're lying on your stomach and you're kicking your legs. It's a hamstring curl and a glute activator, that exercise called rocking, which if you've got shoulder stuff, you don't just get to go from zero to that exercise. Because that can pull on the shoulders got to make sure that your shoulders are strong and connected to your body before you do that. But what I love about paralyzes how you connect to those glute muscles when you're not standing on your legs. Like when your legs are up in the air. And they're moving. How do you keep those muscles on and engage without overworking or letting the leg fall and under working. And so and when you're sitting on them. It's so easy to get stuck in your hip flexors and it pulls on your lower back. And you don't turn on your glutes. But what if you did? How would that work? And how would that lead have more mobility in your spine? And so a cheap answer it's that you have to do all of the bodies to get those glutes to work but not because it takes the whole method to do it. But because those muscles really do need all 34 exercises. They just need to be worked and all the different planes of movement



that makes total sense. And I mean, those are the best modalities where you have to work everything and you work in different planes of movement, because it's so important especially nowadays and if you do three times a week, you're gonna benefit and you'll see the benefits out of it, especially if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. But speaking of lifestyles, before we wrap up, I really wanted to talk about your retreats, they look insanely cool. Yeah, we talked about it a little bit before the show started. And you go to Cambodia, you own a house in Cambodia. And since COVID, you probably haven't been able to go back. But what are your retreats like? And what benefits can people get out of your retreats when doing something like that?



Oh, thank you. I yes, I have her retreats. We do several a year. And when countries let Americans travel, I'll be out doing them again.



So Where else? Have you been just out of curiosity wherever you bet around the world? I mean, what other countries have you been? I'm curious.



Yeah, so I used to pre COVID do 100 240,000 miles of travel a year just teaching karate. So Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Thailand, we were supposed to go to Bali this year, Cambodia several times. We've done retreats in Maui, and then Brazil several times to teach the UK, Amsterdam, Poland, Spain, then all of those places to travel and teach, which is so fun. I'm really honored that people want me to do that. And I will continue to do that. As much as people want. We can do retreats around the world, anywhere, but typically the one that I do twice a year, and then we try to add on another to somewhere else. There's me there's a lot to to plan and retreat, so we can only do a few. And each year but Cambodia, we have a 12 bedroom guesthouse, we have an outdoor potty space. And we do polities, every single day, we do two workshops that are intended for you to leave the retreat, being able to teach yourself allottees like that's the goal. And we eat a combination of Cambodian, traditional food, we have an amazing chef. And then at dinner, we have a local expert restaurant deliver food. So that's like, you don't have to feel like you're only having Cambodian all day long, you get to have some more Western food made out of Cambodian ingredients. And then we see the temples for two days. We most people when they go to Cambodia see two to four temples, we see eight or more. And that is because we have one of the best tour guides in the world. She's friggin awesome, I love her. And she takes us to temples that not everyone goes to. And I've seen these temples now seven times. And every time I see them, I see something new, I'm completely in awe, I think it's really important that people see things like that some of those symbols are over 1000 years old. And like, they're still standing with all of their engravings and their markings and their history. And I just think it's important for all of us to like the world is actually such a small place. And we're also connected, that taking people to places that they might not go because they're so far away, or they might not go by themselves. I really do love to be able to be the guide for people and get them someplace different and to see something that's that doesn't exist where they are. And you don't leave the same right you leave having learned something and feeling touched by history and like a beam that wasn't you weren't they were there thousand years ago building these things. It's crazy. And so I really love and so my retreats are always designed to help you a get out of your normal routine, be healthy being community, and then see Teach Yourself polities when you leave. That sounds pretty cool.



I mean, honestly, that's something that I would love to do. As soon as this whole COVID thing is over. Yeah, my wife wanted to go on a yoga retreat. And I was like, dude, I'm good. I'm alright, yeah, but crossfitter I'm not a yogi. Well,



you're gonna come to Cambodia with me because across the river in my village, there is something called incore gym. And it looks like the Muscle Beach gym of Venice, but in Cambodia, and so I mean, make sure you have a tetanus shot for sure. But other than that, it's pretty epic. It's like this outdoor, big time bodybuilder you could do all your CrossFit workouts there. It's across the river from my house, and you can come and do your polities after



that sounds like game to me. I mean, she wanted me to go to this place in the middle of nowhere doing yoga. Like I'm not doing that. That's just not what is Cambodian food. Like, I'm just curious, like, I have no clue. Excuse my ignorance, but what's the food like over there? Like the real local food?



Yeah, so they use a lot of rice. Right,



typical same as Quaker. Yeah. People will say, oh, Chinese food, you know, an American. I'm like, Dude, this is not Chinese food. Like real Chinese food is completely different. So what's Cambodian food like?



Yeah, so there's some curries. They do curries really, really well all coconut milk. So it's not like India curry but definitely like you could see how it'd be similar and I love the curry they specially love them the next day. My favorite thing is this pancake in that they do. It is coconut milk and some sort of it's not flour because it's gluten free automatically and it's a little bit yellow from either ginger or turmeric and they cook it and a pancake inside the pancake is like sprouts and other herbs and you can like add whatever herbs and then those little tiny shrimp, the ones that still have eyes on them there and there. And so then you rip this pancake and it's got all these sprouts and all these herbs and then you can add more herbs and you dip it into this, like sweet sauce. And so it's a lot of veggies. And then there's this other thing that looks like doughnut holes, I don't know, if you guys are familiar with looks like doughnut holes. But on the inside, it's actually like herbs. And so it's more savory. And then you dip it in something sweet. And those, I mean, when she makes us I'm like just make two plates, because I'm not sharing, they're so good. So they're more in the savory, for sure. But they also you know, when you go to the market, they do some weird things like they will take tamarind. And they'll like salt, like mango with like sugar or sour and they do a lot of like, can't like take the fruits and then they like put them in sweet and salty or sweet and sour like candy. So they're, it's a funny place. They do a lot with bananas. I love the roasted bananas, you can get a lot of like noodles, pork and rice is something you can get. And when you eat there, like our neighbors, we go our neighbor's restaurant, I think my husband's breakfast cost 75 cents, pork and rice or they have like a soup that they do. And then I love the roasted plantations. There's also these things that my favorite, they look like biscuits, but they're made out of coconut and potato. And they're like kind of bready and not super sweet. But there's a sweetness to them. And I will ride my bike around the village until I find the cart that has them. And they do also like the villagers will make a lot of things with ants, like they'll find the ant nest and then they'll put it in because it's like good protein. So it's a very interesting place. Because the locals really do eat like a local, you know, as opposed to like something got westernized. So it's fun.



I definitely just had dinner about an hour ago, and I'm probably gonna go have my second dinner right now. So kind of like All right, now I'm thinking of like eating pancakes. I don't know why, but like the savory pancakes. That just sounds really good. That food sounds amazing to me. I mean, you know, I've been to a lot of different countries. And honestly, the best food I think I had was in Greece. Oh, I bet their portions were just like, huge. They were like American portion. And the food was just overwhelmingly it just had a lot of herbs in it. You could taste you know, the authenticity and if that makes any sense.



Oh, for sure. I mean, you're getting real olive oil, not the watered down olive oil that they sent. I know, right? You're getting like real. They're getting everything fresh, like fresh cheese. And I mean, like, I would be disappointed if you said it wasn't like that. Because I just think of Greece and Italy. And I think the food must be phenomenal.



Yeah, I haven't been to Italy yet. That's all mine of my wife's to do lists Italy and Japan. you'd mentioned Japan and that's somewhere right? Definitely want to go.



Oh, Japan is you gotta go gotta get down to Kyoto and do a traditional like, hotel where you like sleep on the floor and then do those traditional dinners. I can't think of the name of them but they like are like 26 courses like they're like little tiny courses and you just sit there and you don't get to tell them what you want. They just bring it to you. And it's really fun and you sit in the you know traditional kimonos and stuff that they make you it's just it's a fun place to go be Kyoto is very old. And then if you go obviously if you go to Tokyo and then you you just take the high speed train, and that's amazing. My son is six years old. And since he was two, he is wanting to go on the Shinkansen,



I think the first 20 words he learned Shinkansen was one of them.



actually kind of crazy, especially coming like I grew up in Northern California and you drive for hours and you're still in California and then you drive for more hours are still in California. So like to me being on that train. You go from one end of the country to the other in a couple of hours. I'm like if this train existed, I could get I could have gotten a lot more blazes.



It's awesome. That is awesome. We actually have another show that we air every six or seven months, which is called expats abroad. And Meg runs that show. I'm definitely gonna hook you up with Meg because I think she would love to talk to you about all of your travels and everything. And it's based around all the experiences of expats going to different countries, leveraging their business, leveraging what they learned, Oh, I love it. Yeah, we tend to do that we started before COVID we run it in like a nine show series. So we're gonna kick off when we kick off round two, I'm definitely going to talk to Meg. She's got to reach out to you. We would love to have you back on the show. Anytime seriously, your knowledge is awesome. I love the train of thought and I love the business perspective that you brought. And hopefully it will help a lot of our coaches out there, you know, especially during this time and how can people find you what are some of the best do are you on social media? What platforms are you on the most?



Yeah, oh, I love it. So if you want more tips on your business, go to profit bodies calm and I'm also the same name on Instagram. I just give Tons of advice. And then I have lots of courses. My husband is a tech King and he actually runs a coaching group with me. And so between the two of us, we really help people's businesses do what they wanted to do. If you are wanting retreats, and polities and just help either finding a teacher or doing polis online with me, then just hit me up on online politics super easy, or on Instagram, at Leslie dot Logan, I spell my name le s le y. And, you know, if you go to any of my websites, and you hit support, they'll tell you how to find me. So that's also good, but I would love it if people reach out. I'd hear your takeaways. That's really great. My whole goal is just to really help people do more of what they love. And that's either through coaching them in their business or actually helping them do parties on their own because it makes this world a better place. So thank you for having me. I can't wait. I hope we do it again. It was a lot of fun.



Oh, definitely. Definitely. Definitely. Thank you so much. Thanks for listening to this episode. If you enjoyed it, please head over to iTunes to subscribe rate and leave a review. You can also find us on Instagram at the project Kuwait. Thank you and join us next time