The Project: Kuwait
The Project: Health Wellness and Psychology Podcastbased in Kuwait. With so much information about health and wellness out there, it is difficult to sift out the real from the fake and the informative from the marketable. At every corner there is an unqualified influencer or individual trying to sell the latest diet or quick fix. This show is not about making you buy something or trying to get you to become someone you are not. We offer real information, from local and regional experts, to help guide you to becoming the best version of yourself.
The Project: Kuwait
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Italy "Ground Zero" With Laura Nisi The Story, The Peaks and Valleys and What Kuwait can Learn from Italy
The Project Kuwait
Season 1
Episode 124
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Italy
Laura, Talks about how it all started and what happened over the last few weeks. The events are alarming for most people to understand but the biggest takeaway is to listen to the government and stay home.
God bless us all in this time of need and may god protect Kuwait and it's people.