The Project: Kuwait

Guide to Electromagnetic Frequency and it’s Effects on Your Energy, Health and Sleep with Cathy Cooke

January 26, 2020 The Project Kuwait Season 1 Episode 110

Cathy Cooke, BCHN, BBEC Holistic Nutritionist and Building Biologist

At Whole Home and Body Health, we help you achieve optimal health in ALL areas of your life. In order to reach your maximum healing potential, we must address the whole person. This means focusing on:

  • Diet and nutritional status
  • Exercise and movement
  • Mental outlook and stress reduction
  • EMF exposure
  • Chemicals and mold in your home and workplace

  • electromagnetic frequency say that five times fast. All this and more in today's episode Cathy. Welcome to the show. I think you could probably give a better introduction for yourself in what your background is, especially when it comes to electromagnetic frequency. Say that five times fast. Meg.
    I am a ballistic nutritionist and a certified building biology, environmental consultants and electromagnetic radiation specialists. I am basically helping people in all areas of their health, but I became a building biologist to look at the environmental impact that so many people are not addressing. So we can do everything right. Our diets awesome. Our exercise routine is amazing. Our mental health is great. But if we're not addressing our environment, there's a very, very big piece and people's health and performance. Yes, so that's what I do helping people in all those areas,
    but a huge piece. I know. For me, working with clients is trying to get them to understand. That is also load that you're under that environment, being a huge part of what's gonna shape you anything. That's something that we all kind of take for granted. Uh, yeah. How? Your sermon? Yeah. What stress loads. Air coming out and things that are hard to control. You know, water and air quality and things. That's also something that you can change in the moment. But what are some things in your environment that you do have something all over our to be aware of at
    least? Yeah. So as a building biologist, I look at both air quality and that would include water as well. And it seems like that's not something that we can tackle. But the indoor air inside your home is always dirty are always more toxic than the outsider. So, yeah, I mean, we think, Oh, cars driving by their exhaust. But when we bring products into our home, by and large they're petroleum based products where their chemical based products so carpet our furniture particle board in our building materials even like our drive all paint. I mean, all of this stuff is chemically based, and it definitely impacts the air quality in a really, really big way. So there is a lot of things you can do. One is being aware of the items that you're purchasing. You know, if you could buy a solid wood table versus particle board or pressed wood, or if you're gonna have hardwood floors, report floors were carpet. That's really huge, actually. And then just veneration of opening windows, having a good quality air filter, all of those things. There's a lot that we can do that we're not considering. But then the M F piece, of course, is huge. So many things that we can do to reduce our exposure. And what I hear so many times from people when we're talking about this, is they say, Well, it's everywhere. Pull up my computer and I'm getting 30 WiFi signal. So why even bother? And we can get into, you know, the fact that that's actually not really indicative of the impact that you're getting the sensor in your computer's amplifying the reading that you're getting It's not actually getting that much exposure is, you think so. Starting in your home environment is really, really important because it boat with a lot of this is the proximity. The closer you

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spk_0:   0:00
Theo Project brought. Wait, what you learn? What are electro magnetic frequencies?

spk_1:   0:12
First of all, the Earth has its own electromagnetic. It's called the human residence that resonates at about 7.3 her ex cover take. So what we're talking about in my line of work is what we call non native. You mess So all of these electrical fields that are man made and that the human body has not evolved with there

spk_0:   0:32
is a device where you can detect M F signals within your home.

spk_1:   0:36
One is called Tri field meter. What it's called a cornett meter. Those two different friends, you can get him for 570

spk_2:   0:43
bucks. That was thinking like people say, Feel like I need to educate them on like home. I got what you're being exposed to, like take care of yourself. When my sleep got so severe and I started blocking for the lights, it was the beginning of my recovery from decades long about a really good point. We had to have rules. I mean, in Kuwait, it's like off the charts. The addictions bones,

spk_0:   1:03
electromagnetic frequency say that five times fast. All this and more in today's episode Cathy. Welcome to the show. I think you could probably give a better introduction for yourself in what your background is, especially when it comes to electromagnetic frequency. Say that five times fast. Meg.

spk_1:   1:26
I am a ballistic nutritionist and a certified building biology, environmental consultants and electromagnetic radiation specialists. I am basically helping people in all areas of their health, but I became a building biologist to look at the environmental impact that so many people are not addressing. So we can do everything right. Our diets awesome. Our exercise routine is amazing. Our mental health is great. But if we're not addressing our environment, there's a very, very big piece and people's health and performance. Yes, so that's what I do helping people in all those areas,

spk_2:   2:04
but a huge piece. I know. For me, working with clients is trying to get them to understand. That is also load that you're under that environment, being a huge part of what's gonna shape you anything. That's something that we all kind of take for granted. Uh, yeah. How? Your sermon? Yeah. What stress loads. Air coming out and things that are hard to control. You know, water and air quality and things. That's also something that you can change in the moment. But what are some things in your environment that you do have something all over our to be aware of at

spk_1:   2:27
least? Yeah. So as a building biologist, I look at both air quality and that would include water as well. And it seems like that's not something that we can tackle. But the indoor air inside your home is always dirty are always more toxic than the outsider. So, yeah, I mean, we think, Oh, cars driving by their exhaust. But when we bring products into our home, by and large they're petroleum based products where their chemical based products so carpet our furniture particle board in our building materials even like our drive all paint. I mean, all of this stuff is chemically based, and it definitely impacts the air quality in a really, really big way. So there is a lot of things you can do. One is being aware of the items that you're purchasing. You know, if you could buy a solid wood table versus particle board or pressed wood, or if you're gonna have hardwood floors, report floors were carpet. That's really huge, actually. And then just veneration of opening windows, having a good quality air filter, all of those things. There's a lot that we can do that we're not considering. But then the M F piece, of course, is huge. So many things that we can do to reduce our exposure. And what I hear so many times from people when we're talking about this, is they say, Well, it's everywhere. Pull up my computer and I'm getting 30 WiFi signal. So why even bother? And we can get into, you know, the fact that that's actually not really indicative of the impact that you're getting the sensor in your computer's amplifying the reading that you're getting It's not actually getting that much exposure is, you think so. Starting in your home environment is really, really important because it boat with a lot of this is the proximity. The closer you are to the device, the exponentially larger exposure. You're gay, so there's a lot you can doing

spk_0:   4:15
what our electro magnetic frequencies like. It's obviously like a frequency, but like, how does it? How can you describe toe like, hey, someone like myself that has absolutely no clue I just think of squiggly lines hitting me in the head.

spk_1:   4:29
Yeah, sure. Well, honestly, that's kind of a good way to visualize it. So Electromagnetic fields? Well, first of all, the Earth has its own electromagnetic field. It's called the human residence that resonates at about 7.3 hurts, give or take. So it's basically when we think of the polls, you know, the North himself pulled their magnetic. So the earth has this own magnetism. And when you think about the body, the body has its own electromagnetic field. So the body communicates be electricity. Somebody is in cardiac arrest or they have a flat lined. You're the paramedics or anybody who's doing CPR on this person might use a defibrillator to send electricity through the heart to get the heart going again. So our body uses electricity, and this is an electromagnetic. You essentially AMs or light. It's all in the light spectrum, so the son has its own being office. The light is an electromagnetic frequency. So what we're talking about in my line of work is what we call non native BMS. So all of these electrical fields that are man made and that the human body has not evolved with. So if we're in connection with the Earth's own magnetic field, that's great. That's there's a lot of anti inflammatory effects from that really, really generating for a nervous system. But

spk_2:   5:47
that's getting in touch with that. Sorry, that's like, you know, barefoot outside or that kind of the ones I've heard of. What? Yeah, there any other techniques I supposed to get in touch with that

spk_1:   5:57
birthing grounding? Uh, no, not really. Really. You just have to be barefoot on the ground. You're right. Okay, so we evolved with that. And that's what are our body understands that frequency and it It is very good trust when we introduce all of these non native frequencies and we're talking about radio frequencies from things like WiFi and cell phones and Bluetooth. But we're also talking about electrical wiring in our homes, the magnetic field tight into power lines, these kinds of things that give off these manmade m s that our body does not. No, what's do with because it's a new piece of communication that we don't understand. And some of the criticism I get us Whoa. This stuff has been around for 100 years. And so, you know, people aren't dying from it. And I'm saying exactly my point. This is the only been around for 100 years versus how many millions of years of human evolution. This is brand new to us. And I would argue that the health of people in industrialists places the health of us over the last 100 years is declined considerably. Not just because of this, you know, right topic, but it's not helping us put it that way.

spk_0:   7:09
So I have a quick question. Now, I've heard this on other shows and I've read articles about it that there is a device where you can detect M f signals within your home correct CREss and is it isn't accurate. What is it called? You know, for most listeners, like we don't have it in quaint, I guarantee that so at least they could probably get one time zone or something.

spk_1:   7:28
Sure, sure. Yeah, Well, there's basically EMF meters in their small meeting, and they range from $100 then, you know, the meters that I use when I am assessing a person sober several $1000 a piece, and I have, like four different meters. So if you wanted to get like up just a meter, you can get the money and was on the ones I recommend. Our one is called Tri Field Meter. What it's called a Cornett meter. Those were two different brands. You could get him for about 170 bucks, and it will tell you how much radio frequency you have from our wireless devices. The magnetic fields that come off our wiring and electric feels come over way. And I think that's a great investment for people to put their money towards. So you could just get a sense of what's going on in my environment. Can I produce this?

spk_2:   8:14
Who's at risk? The most of it, like affecting them?

spk_1:   8:16
Yeah, well, you know, that's a really excellent question in my instinct, when people ask me, this is typically, say Children, of course, because you know their schools are still developing. There's more access to the brain from these cuffs Children, elderly and people who have chronic health conditions. However, that is that doesn't always line up with the people that I see. So I'm working with clients who contact me because they're extremely electrically sensitive, and they don't fit that model. I did an assessment last week on guys. Home was a local contractor here, you know, has his own business building homes. He's a big, burly, 200 something pound guy. He's doing across that he's exercising. But just one day he was using his phone, and just one day it just triggered him. And he can't use his phone anymore because it's severe, severe headaches when he puts his cell phone to his head. Yeah, like, where did this come from? He doesn't have any Chronicle mission. She's very, very healthy, and I see that quite a bit. So while I feel like the chronically challenged are a little bit more at risk, it's affecting everybody across the board. And so I don't really see that There's really clear answer to that because I'm seeing it affect everybody.

spk_0:   9:32
Have you seen more effects after they introduced for G and five g?

spk_1:   9:36
Yes, for GI, for sure. So five G's a little bit tricky, so here in Idaho it's rolled out a little bit. And Boise, where I'm at, you know, we've got, like, maybe 100 5 g small cells within, I don't know, 20 miles or so, so it's still kind of sparse. So the jury's still out on that because a lot of us aren't getting that exposure. But with four g absolutely a huge increase.

spk_2:   10:03
What was that like? I guess. What? We're the tip offs of noticing, like when that happened or what was it just like, sometimes that people with use of their devices,

spk_1:   10:11
Yeah, exactly the symptoms symptomology and awareness Because people are starting to associate their symptomology with their devices. And I think the thing with the Forge is that that was kind of the advent of smartphones and part of the issue there is when we had just flip phones, but we could only text. We weren't looking at her phone 24 hours a day, and people are having in their pocket this. I have a client that sleeps with it under their pillow. I mean, s o comment or they charge it right next to that. I mean, it's on your person pretty much all the time.

spk_0:   10:41
I'm guilty charging it right next to me. How bad is that? E

spk_2:   10:48
Really good. I used to be that person where it would sleep probably right on the bed with me. But now I don't even read it in the same room. It's Yeah, I thought. Maybe I

spk_1:   10:55
recommend. Well, there's two ways you can do it. Put it in another room or you can keep it in airplane mode with five WiFi off Bluetooth off, and that's gonna dramatically decrease it. But it's surprising how much electric field you will get from that board. I just did a posted a video on YouTube about showing my meter when I was testing just a phone charging for that was next to the bed, and it increased it. I mean, I was going like, 80 volts per meter, which you don't really. I need to know what that means, but we want that number to be under 800.3, actually on 60 times higher than what we want. So does not have it.

spk_2:   11:27
While it's charging up. Owner, That's just wallets. They're

spk_1:   11:30
just Well, it's their phone doesn't have to be plugged it. Wow, if it's plugged into the wall, that court is giving off a really

spk_2:   11:36
high field. Wow, I know. I'm like looking at all my chords e like a rhythm all out, all right. Something we never think of.

spk_0:   11:45
I'm looking at my podcast room and I'm like, Oh, my God s so now looking at that. And I just finished building my home, and we're actually moving too. And I didn't know any of this. So what are some of the things that I could do now to kind of offset whatever damaging E. M. F signals are within the house from the wiring from whatever are you kind of screwed? You know, at the end of the day, or is there a way out of it in a cheap manner?

spk_1:   12:13
There's a lot. There's a lot. You know, if you're building a new house, you would have a great opportunity to actually use of metal. And that actually stops the electric fields and the dirty electricity almost completely, which is amazing. And people could do that in our homes. But if, like most of us, if we don't have that luxury distance is key here. So there's something called the inverse square law, which means that the distance that we are from the device the density, the power density of that drops off dramatically. So what I do My bed is actually like two feet from the wall, a little annoying, but it's so dramatically less when I have just that much distance versus my head running. It's the wall where the wires. Right? So that's one thing you could do. Another is. I actually turned my breaker off a night to the bedroom, so that just kills any electricity flowing to the bedroom. I don't need anything electrical in my betterment. I am sleepy. And then one of the biggest things we can do is like with Internet. WiFi is relatively new, Let's say 10 years. I mean, you ever take of the fact that everybody has WiFi instead of being plugged in via Ethernet? Yeah, And if you go to most office buildings, we still have Ethernet ports. So I mean, I know I'm talking to you on my computer right now, so I can't show you, but I haven't Internet board that is like into my WiFi router or, well, it's not WiFi split into my modem and router, and I disabled the WiFi signal that has brought me down. Let's say 20,000 Mike Ross for square meter with the micros per square meters, how we measure the radio frequency, which is outrageously high to almost zero. So I've completely eliminated it so hard Wiring is great. I realize not everybody is gonna do that. And if you can't just unplug the router when you're not using it, you don't have to have it over at night. And that's the most important tonight when we're trying to recover ta fogies happening length drainage from the brain. We don't want the's not native bms interrupting that those processes, So turn it off at night. You could also and close it so you can get like a Faraday cage. They make these measures boxes that are metal. You can put the roads right. Sorry, a Faraday cage. Okay, so it's just a box of either stainless steel or aluminum, and you just put the router right into that, or you can drape it with there's cloth that has silver woven through, and I will often do this with clients that won't get rid of the wife. I will just drape it in one of these cloths, put it in this metal box, and it will reduce your exposure by about 90% and you'll still get your signal.

spk_2:   14:49
This is really interesting. I'm just thinking about this. I mentioned earlier that I work with Lulu, and I know that they have, like, on their tags on their clothes. They have, like, an r f i D little measurement or whatever. So you can keep inventory of things. But if there's any of them, some of the clothes have a silver component to it. Keep it anti microbial. So sweat doesn't Bacteria doesn't grow and it doesn't smell after you sweat. And so it's funny that our CD will not pick up those products at the silver is in front of it. Oh, really? Yeah, like I need to be Oh, overlying clothing myself, Theo. Yeah, that's really interesting. Yeah, okay. They've always a study habits there, static X product that it won't pick it up on the Arcadia. But not in the sense that you even thought of those things. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I'm gonna have to, like, know

spk_0:   15:34
nice. Lulu. Lulu, Add Meg.

spk_2:   15:37
Thinking like that was thinking like people safety. Like I need to educate them. I'm like, Oh, my God. You know, you're being exposed to, like, take care of yourself.

spk_1:   15:45
Well, That's interesting that you say that about Lulu Lemon because I do yoga almost daily and I used to go to studios, but it got to the point where it's like everybody had their bags in the room with their phones and there, and there was wife was doing. I'm trying to like, get into my Zen place and meditate and do my yoga, and there's wicked high or radio frequency.

spk_2:   16:05
That's a really good point. We had to have rules. I mean, in Kuwait, it's like off the charts, the addiction to Bones. Oh, yeah, actually everywhere. That was the hardest rule to get people when I was living there and we had started the facilities. The hardest rule is getting people to have no phones, so we would have like a basket that everybody keeps their phones and we'd have to put up by the desk and away from everybody so you couldn't grab them. But we also teach that to like that right after a workout that next, like five minutes or so, Like right when you finish all this physical stress on you have taking that time to, like, not grab your phone and now you know there's a lot of emotional stress that can company out of looking at what's on your phone and who needs you and things to be done and we're not. But now even that frequency, I think, interrupting like you're talking about the recovery process. I

spk_0:   16:48
have a question out of left field speaking phones bag. What about headsets like I'm wicked guilty Bluetooth, Bluetooth here, Mud's. So it's like, All right, Is there a safe Bluetooth here? But because I need my music, you know, when I'm working out, if it's putting me at risk, then you know.

spk_1:   17:05
Yeah, there's a few components with that, and the main thing is, you're putting that right next to you. But right, so here my

spk_0:   17:14
wife, my wife would argue, I don't have brain cells anyway, so

spk_1:   17:21
So how I got into building biology was that I had really severe tin itis in my left ear for over a decade, and Nothstein would solve it. And so I would, you know, late at night, and I had severe Asami as well, and it was just my The ringing in my ear was just kind, and it kept me up all night. It was absolutely maddening. And then when I started to research into the M s a little bit, I was looking into it for my sleep. I stopped using off my phone for about a week. Thio. See if it impacted my sleep. It'll and my tonight just went away and with three days, just 100% going, and I know it was it absolutely blew my mind. And it was that experience that I said, I gotta figure out what this is all about. And so I know when I've got devices to my head, I definitely get symptoms. And so there's no question that it's causing oxidative stress when I'm talking about distances key here. If we're putting that stuff up to her head, I'm not. I mean, the point is like we have options. You could still have your music, be it wired. It's a little bit more convenient, but why was I mean, you know, we could plug it in.

spk_0:   18:25
What makes you

spk_2:   18:26
listen to the music, but on the

spk_0:   18:28
way? So what does it actually do to a central nervous system like, how does it, in fact, our central nervous system I work at an oil company. My day job is with an oil company, and it's funny because I just moved offices two weeks ago. We had this huge radio tower, literally, I'd say about 304 100 feet away from my window. Beautiful view and think big ass radio tower early for interviews. And I could have sworn that that was the reason why my sleep was disrupted and I just felt crummy because I'd come home on the weekends. I feel great by sundown, so I really I was attributing it to what I was exposed to, that I was exposed to something within my office that was just draining me. I mean, it just essentially felt like I'm going to work and have full batteries, and then I'd be drained by the end of the day.

spk_1:   19:25
Well, I would say that your intuition on that one was probably right on. I mean, if if it was right there, you're getting blasted, huge, huge amount of exposure. And when I said I got into this because I was trying to figure out my sleep, it was the night and day difference. When I hardwired everything, go got a lot more distance from all these devices. My sleep was so much better exponentially better. So as far as the central nervous system. So what AMs are doing to us on a cellular level? And this is primarily the work of Dr Martin Paul that I'm gonna talk about and that's smart. Full p a l L. He's a professor emeritus from Washington State University. And so what he has discovered is that the E. M s, the non native E M s are negatively impacting are bolted treated calcium channels. So what that means is all of ourselves, our kind of guarded by these voltage gates and there should be a lot of calcium on the outside of the self, and they will open for specific reasons, but they shouldn't primarily be closed. These days were closed to prevent the calcium from flooding into the cell because we need the calcium on the outside, not the inside. So when we have exposure of these in a mess and it doesn't take long, 10 to 30 minutes of these voltage gates will actually be open and the calcium blood's into the cell, and then we get a significant amount of oxidative stress downstream from that. And so how this manifests with individual people is gonna present very differently everyone symptoms were gonna be different. But essentially, it's this overwhelming amount of oxidative stress. And, you know, a lot of the research has been done on 30 minute, hour long exposures, but we know now that we've got 24 7 exposure. So then, I mean, this oxidative stress will affect every part of our body. And so, for the central nervous system, we know defects are no Ronald cells. And so a popped Oh, sis. And a lot of research out there showing decrease or altered t S h I would stimulating hormone t 3 84 So it really disrupts your HP access your H p t axis. Just fix all of ourselves. It's scary.

spk_0:   21:29
Yeah. Yeah, I think I had the same expression. And we're just for a second looking

spk_2:   21:36
around like wires.

spk_0:   21:39
Megs. Lucky. I mean, she moved back to the States. You guys have building codes out there in Kuwait is kind of for all Like, we have zero building codes. We've got oil refinery and a shortcut. ST Ware. We live in one of the most polluted countries in the world. I think there's room, like, 12 or 13 when I checked the rankings just because we don't have any regulations. And, you know, when we go to Boston, like when we go to the stage for the summer, I feel great. Wow. Interesting big

spk_2:   22:06
part of what the country has been through a CZ. Well, I mean, we and we had Maddie's cousin actually, on a while ago in episode about thyroid cancer, and it was interesting because there there actually is an alarming rates or a group of think females in particular that were there during the invasion, that I've had issues with thyroid cancer. And so should you know, what kind of thing? How long does it take for something you say? You know, relatively new 100 years. Like how long did you know? Does it take for things to start showing up?

spk_1:   22:33
Right, Right, right. And, well, you know, this is important point, because, like, not everybody's gonna have these symptoms. Not obvious symptoms like I did like tonight in my sleep. I mean, I know if I've been in a high aim at environment all day, I know because my hero start ringing and I'm like, Oh, there's my there's my cute but so many people like Oh, I feel perfectly fine So what? I don't need to worry about it. And well, I mean, I think it's great that you don't have symptoms. I wish I didn't have symptoms, but what's the long term wrist or we're gonna start to have on immune issues? We're gonna start stuff thyroid issues. We start to have cancers or, you know, whatever. So yeah, and some people will live a normal life and they'll use Bluetooth every day. And then we use WiFi every day and their phones and be perfectly fine and not have any symptoms or health problems. And they're, you know, just like somebody could smoked three packs a day and never get lung cancer.

spk_0:   23:22
Look until 90 right? My great grandmother, she smoked till she was, like 80 and that's our 75. And she decided to quit. And she was like smoking like two packs of Lucky Strikes dio school. So I mean, she probably would have smoked, but until the day she died. But she quit. It's funny as genetics play a huge factor in that

spk_1:   23:44
absolutely, absolutely they dio? Yeah, some of us will get out of this unscathed, but I am not willing to take the risk. And I certainly when I mean what I'm most concerned about lost these Children that are being born today that are gonna be growing with it in all of their development phases. They're gonna be exposed to this and never get a reprieve. And they're gonna be with it all their lives,

spk_0:   24:05
and they're exposed to it a lot more cause kids aren't out outside as much as they used to be. Like, for me. I try and get my son outside playing as much as possible. And it's like, stay outside. If he says, Daddy, I want to go to a playground. I'm like, Okay, fine. It might be I just get home from work, and he's like, I want to go to a player. Okay, fine. Because I know being outside, he's not exposed toe. Like you said, a lot of those toxins that are with

spk_2:   24:28
just healthy for you. Yeah. All right. That's okay. But it's just this healthy

spk_0:   24:35
for your on your phone, like I usually ask. Okay.

spk_2:   24:39
Yeah, well, that's a problem. No, I think even in schools now, like devices that they use this in the States and the kids don't get books anymore. Everything is done. Yeah, I've had electronics, all the learning devices I can't even imagine in a classroom. Now the amount more Bing don't

spk_1:   24:56
really terrifies me. Just that every single room has a WiFi router. They'll have ipads. They will have phones, they'll have Fitbits. They'll have beer buzz. I mean, it's I can't even believe. And it's interesting because I've talked to many teachers have said who have not really been aware of this topic. And they say, Well, that's really interesting because over the course of the last five years, I have noticed a dramatic change in Children's behavior, you know, across the board. And I'm like, Well, yeah, I get it, and not only from the IMF, but because they're not going outside as much. They're not playing like they used to there. Instead of recess, they're on their phones, they're running around. They're not communicating. They're not using their imagination. I mean, so many so many reasons. It's

spk_2:   25:39
a huge, huge takeaway for people to kind of re assess what's happening. I mean, obviously You can't take your kid out of the classroom and out of environment. But then what? Control? Like he said, Do you have? And it's once they get home, you know what kind of an impact you have?

spk_1:   25:52
There are actually a lot of school districts around the world. Really. They're starting to re evaluate their WiFi situation. A lot of last schools are going back to hard wiring. You know, this is mostly happening in Europe, but I've seen in schools in California going that direction. They're not allowing. Why are the devices like phones in the classroom? So there's some awareness about it. But yeah, it's if you can control just the home environment specially when you're sleeping, that's gonna be majorly impactful.

spk_2:   26:21
Really hopeful. You mentioned on the second Fitbits as well. And so like, yeah, can you talk a lot? I've had a couple of clients. I've had, like, reactions on their skin from wearing things like that. So not doing that anymore have that trying to get a boyfriend asleep without his Hey, he sleeps much better without it. When he does.

spk_0:   26:40
What about mode? I usually throw mine on the airplane mode for the for the Fitbit or the Apple. Watch it like if I don't need to connect to the phone for, like, Mata like I'll connect during the day at certain points or whatever, but usually I keep it on airplane mode.

spk_1:   26:54
That should definitely hope I haven't tested a Fitbit in airplane mode to verify whether the signal is really gone, because a lot of this stuff you put in her friend mode. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the blue chips, not still checking it or whatever. If you have a girlfriend are absolute, do it. You know, like the ordering. I haven't ordering, and I know that you can act. You can put that 100% in airplane mode and I've tested it and there is no signal, so I don't know about fib. It's a lot of these things. They're really tricky, and they're still sending a signal you than you think. You've disabled it. You have a better chance of signaling that signal in airplane mode than otherwise, But I'd probably like to get a meter on there and verify, but if you have the option, I would definitely do.

spk_2:   27:33
It is interesting. This is nice science to back up. I think of like I talk to people about, you know, getting the messages on their apple watch or other Fitbit's things like, Do you really need that? Fine. Oh, just nine fullness. You know, aspect of this evening. Let's control the amount of yeah, stress that gets put on you in a day. But it's great now that there's some science to be. Oh, like, Listen, it's not just airy fairy mental stuff I'm talking about like this is actually really that it can have an impact with.

spk_0:   28:01
So how would this effect athletes and, you know, every day avid gym goers. I mean, Meg preaches this all the time on the show. Like ever since I've known you make like you're like, You're awesome dude, when it comes to this stuff and getting people to actually practice it. But how does it affect everyday gym goers and, you know, possibly their recovery?

spk_1:   28:19
Yeah, well, I think it goes back to that oxidative stress, so we know that exercise is gonna have some some oxidative stress, my body, and that's not terribly bad because it's a four Matic stressor, and that's a good thing. But It's a different reaction these non native PMS when we're trying to recover and we're trying to perform well and we've got this extra AC state of stress happening. It's not allowing us to perform in our best. And, you know, a lot of your listeners probably do CrossFit. And I think that's awesome, especially, you know, in a lot of CrossFit gyms, you'll have the door's wide open and you're getting a lot of fresh air. You're going outside sometimes, and that's completely different than any standard Jim, that you're going into that where there's no fresher, it's cinder block and you've got WiFi routers everywhere. All of your machines. Yeah, I mean, I stopped going to the gym like, 10 years ago, because I couldn't even find a machine to get on that didn't have a wife. I'd Woods, and so you've got, I don't know, 50 machines that are Austin and not a signal. Everybody's phone. Everybody spent that. It's like it is off the charts, so if you're going into any senior Jim maybe only going in there for 30 minutes or an hour, but why not go outside? Why don't do crossfit where you don't have to get on a machine, are you? I just exercise primarily outdoors now, for all of the reasons that we're talking about that you know the light exposure, less stress. More so, yeah, fresh air, mental clarity. So it's affecting athletes and gym goers just like everybody else. But I think we're actually getting a little bit more hit from.

spk_2:   29:48
So let's like seasonally, I guess that that, like I live in Minnesota, winters are brutal. Maddie's in Kuwait, where summer's air brutal. You know, for those timings of like, you know, an Idaho is while you get seasons, you know what times like What do you do? I guess, for our thing and grounding in a time where it's maybe more difficult seasons or for working out outside or what are some of the steps right about people? Keep that up. You're around. Yeah,

spk_1:   30:11
that's a good question. So Well, the first thing I typically tell people is don't be afraid of extreme heat or extreme cold within reason. I mean cold Thermo Genesis and heat teacher proteins. I mean, these were good things. Well, we don't want to be a comfortable 70 degrees around, right? We need these extreme exposures for so many health reasons and for circadian rhythm to we need to know what time of day it is, what time here it is. I used to live in Alaska for six years, and I would still go outside and exercise in the middle of winter. You got a loan, you know, Negative 30. Of course, that's not happening. But I mean, most of the year you can still get outside to some degree. And if you're uncomfortable for 30 minutes, I encourage people to do that as faras. The grounding goes, That's a really tricky topic, because grounding in and of itself these days is not necessarily always a good thing. Because, for example, here in the US, we send current through the ground back to the substations. So our ground is not the human residence as it used to be, because we've got this current going through the earth. And this is a topic where different experts will kind of disagree and say you should do it anyway. And other experts say no way you're putting yourself into contact with that current, and that's not a good idea. So

spk_2:   31:27
your location, what matter? Getting outside of the city, you know,

spk_1:   31:30
maybe exactly generally. But that is it's tricky. Every place is different. I mean, if you're on the beach, typically, I'm staying on the beach. Absolutely. Barrier. Hold a hottie in the sand. It's an awesome if you're out in the country, definitely are gonna have a better response, but they're still high tension power lines. And you know, there's still infrastructure out into the world areas. A lot of times, the end of the day, we say, Try it and see how you feel. If you feel worse, don't do it if you feel better. Awesome. Because everybody's different on this. And some people in the same neighborhoods will say what I feel way better when I go out and their neighborhoods. So why fuel? Much worse? So it's just kind of a trial and everything.

spk_0:   32:09
When you talk about the feeling, what is the fuel? How would you best describe that feeling like some people say, Oh is a tired? Well, I'm tired all the time or, you know, I'm tired of work or whatever. So what could best describe that feeling? So our lister's kind of have an idea of okay, Well, maybe I'm overexposed, so I need toe Look at my surroundings a little bit.

spk_1:   32:30
Good question. Well, it's different for everybody. Unfortunately. So I have clients that will go into a room and they will know immediately. We'll start to get pressure. Will start Thio get like 1/4 Saul. Surge will get headaches. I mean, they know immediately when they walk into the room, and it's just kind of they explain it as just kind of this. Like they feel like the air is going like they're suffocating tight, intense. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I'm not that sensitive. I can't go into room until you whether there's something on or not, but the symptoms I get. When I used to work on my computer on my lap, I would have my laptop on my legs and I'd be working on WiFi, and it would take me about 20 minutes before I would just get so stinking irritable. I mean, like, I just wanted to jump out of my skin and strangle somebody just just cranky. And it wasn't another 10 years after that experience of how I used to work on the computer that I put that together. Oh, it was the EMF exposure and all of the, you know, magnetic field from my computer. So irritability, the most common symptoms that I see from people irritability, insomnia, tonight, ISS, anxiety, depression, headaches Those are the big ones. But, you know, again, everybody's presentation is gonna be a little bit different. But if you have any of those that you just can't figure

spk_2:   33:52
out, I would definitely look into Is that so as a building block? Because your nutritionist as well I mean, you've got a background and a lot of different areas. Also is it is nutrition still kind of the foundation you try to sort out first? Or is it PMS? But you look too first or what kind of the building block of, like process of elimination, I guess because, you know, anxiety depression here to Billy. All these things you're mentioning. I think it like food intolerances. You know, I don't movement, you know, lack of healthy relationships like I could walk into a room and feel really terrible to based on you know who's in that room in the energy they give up, you know? So what has some of the building blocks? I guess of a process of elimination. Yeah, that's

spk_1:   34:28
really that makes it really challenging because we have so many things that are causing similar symptoms. Ah, gosh, it's so hard. I mean, the's everybody again. It's gonna be different. You know, if I take wheat out of my diet, that might have a much more profound impact than the EMF exposure for somebody else. So, you know, I've got clients. I'm thinking about one in particular. Who? A lot of her symptoms. I mean, really, the majority of her symptoms and I'm talking like headaches and migraines were coming from your aim exposure. And she eats like I keep telling her I'm like, Well, we got a look at your diet, but she's not willing to change that. But when she changed her m f, the Amos was she was getting it pretty much stopped her headaches. But if you've got someone who's gluten and dairy intolerant and they keep eating it and they've cleaned up their aim f environment, they're still gonna have those symptoms. So really, we gotta address all of the aspects of fortune If we want to guess and be awesome and perform well. We have to eat, right? We gotta have movement. And we got a manager.

spk_2:   35:28
Well, and I think you said basically, like you could look at it right now, Like, what are you willing to work with right now when the food is, you know, something that you're willing thio play with and go for than then start there. If the IMF is something you're like, great. I can handle this versus changing my diet right now. I'll start there or, you know, great. Getting outside for a walk is what I can commit to right now. I'll start. They're exactly what I think that's that's helpful to know that yet it's all gonna play apart. What about, like, any supplements or things, though? I mean, on the topic of nutrition thing that can help offset maybe some of those. Yeah, closure from Yuma,

spk_1:   35:58
for sure. So there are some really helpful supplements, and I will say that the earlier question about who does this affect people with chronic conditions? People with lime or heavy metal exposure? Autoimmune issues. They typically are gonna experience more impact from this because their their pockets already full right there. They're already have so many stresses on the body and adding one more. Via these EMFs just kind of contempt them over doing the work of Kiel, aiding those heavy metals or addressing the line or your hormone balance. Getting these things back into balance can help a lot with symptoms. And then additionally, if you wanted to add some supplements in there, well, antioxidants are obviously gonna be really important because we're helping to come back that oxidative stress that's happening. Some of the really great ones would be like rosemary. Rosemary tincture could be really awesome. Things like Notify on or this to support your liver and liver detoxification. Antioxidants are awesome. Are you guys familiar with the work of Dr Jack Cruz Know So he's a neurosurgeon, really popular in the U. S. Talks everything cold Thermo Genesis and movement in any way. He's really, really big in the M s. And he recommends, asked xanthan a lot. How did obscure something that you get it from like shellfish like you reach trim. Okay, eat the tales. Honestly, I eat the tales. They're really, really high Asked us to happen. Oh, yeah, it's awesome and carrot in and all these other omega threes What else? There's coriander. There's program lists. There's a couple of friends supplements like carbon 60. I don't know, because from there, not one carbon 60. And what else? Just, you know, Polly. Females from vegetables like cocoa and green tea. And

spk_2:   37:44
you know, it's funny. We say supplements, and I think a lot of people think of like taking a pill or a powder something. But it sounds like there's a lot of these. They're just foods that you can get a little. Yeah, you know that I fly.

spk_1:   37:54
So when you get in an airplane, you're getting one of the biggest hits you can possibly get your in a metal box. Yeah, way high in the sky. Everybody's got their phone on and there's a wife. It is It's so obnoxious. So when I fly, I kind of load up. I'll take some blue sky on I take my rosemary, take sure I takes a massive xanthan. You know, I just load up because lights could be really trust people.

spk_2:   38:18
That's so funny, because I feel like I know I think of one of the things that just totally brings me up. It makes me really happy and It's like there's nothing glamorous about airport travel. You think like taking off on a plane like I just I love travel. It is probably the excitement of America. I'm going, but like I can sleep on a plane. No problem. I don't mind it at all, but that's really funny to hear about that. That's probably is, like the worst, but I always feel like shit after. So that's probably, ah, like the process of getting on it and just yeah, light. Like I get very excited about that. So yeah, well, I

spk_1:   38:51
agree. I mean, it's super exciting to take off because you're what's next? What's this is Greg mention, but I actually I don't even go through the TSA scare. I have Ah, just asked about down. Yeah, and they do it. No problem has never been a problem. I mean, I know people like where you're going up into a plane in the sky like, isn't exposure way worse. It's like, Yeah, but, you know, in building biology, we say any reduction is we're just

spk_2:   39:13
better. Yeah. Yeah. Moving the bed away from the walls was lying. You know, hard wiring is gonna be better avoiding the TSA scanners. Another one you know, not sleeping with your phones or watches or things on you are in the room. Are there any other kind of things to think about or Yes, I

spk_1:   39:30
just like to challenge people in their cell phone use Stand not just for the exposure, but like you're saying, you know, that constant stimuli. People have a really difficult time with this, but phone addiction is a very real thing, right, that dopamine rush from those pings that you're getting that you got a message. I challenge people to ask themselves, Are you happier than lawyer on your phone? Or, you know, how do you feel if you put that down? Turn it off, go outside, play with your kids a little bit more even, you know, watch your favorite show. Whatever it is, I think that a lot of us could really benefit from disconnecting more even. You know, I tell people once a month have a tech free, totally tech free night. You turn off the electricity in the house. No devices, no screens, not computers. You like candles, You play a board game, you talk to family, whatever those nicer. I mean, people report to me that it's they have such awesome experiences. Yeah, those nights just because they're connecting with their family, they're doing something kind of outside the box. They're not looking at their own every five minutes. Really, Really awesome. Stress reliever. Kind of you can be creative and use your mind. And so yeah, just challenging people to kind of disconnect a little more. Evaluate how connected they are. We shouldn't be on call 24 7 All right? And we feel like we have to be these days.

spk_0:   40:51
So you you brought up a good 0.2 with the whole, you know, switching everything off at night. And I've always wanted to try this. And I'm just gonna talk my wife into it, switching off the lights and starting to use candlelight at night for the blue light. That stuff just because circadian rhythm and everything. I mean, for thousands and thousands of years. That's how we live. Sudden. We've introduced all the stimuli at night. So could you say, like when people do that and they have a tech free night, you know, they experience better sleeping everything. Could that just be a combination of everything of the blue light, the EMF signals and all of that. And what's your stance on Blue Light?

spk_1:   41:25
I am a huge advocate of blocking blue light. In fact, that was one of when my sleep got so severe and I started blocking blue lights. It was the beginning of my recovery from decades long bout with insomnia. So I've got, like, probably five or six pairs of different kinds of blue light blocking glasses. And you know, I've got one in my car, one in my purse, three in my house. I mean, I won't go anywhere without them because it's so massively impactful. Inish, I'm out in the evening and I don't have my glasses on. I probably won't sleep that night or it'll take me three or four hours to falsely. I mean, it's so dramatic for me, you know? I know not everybody's quite that severe, but across the board I mean everyone that I have referred glasses to or minimizing their exposure. I haven't had anyone say that it didn't impact that mean every single person who does this just said, Wow, I didn't realize that my sleep was a sports. It was until I started to block this blue light, so candlelight, I think, is awesome. The light spectrum in candles is much different than our artificial light bulbs on, so we can see the candlelight at night. And it's not gonna impact our circadian rhythm. It's not suppress. Melatonin, like the artificial overhead lights will cause completely different spectrum. And we're supposed to see candle light at night, see fire at night because, you know, that's how we evolved having fires in the evenings. I think it's major. And not only that, but Mike Andrea health. Just certain, you know, central nervous system response and just the, um, kind of general feeling that you get the mental, the ambiance of it, right? Totally different. It totally changes your minutes. I mean, I see people's mood change, and they don't even realize it so much, much less stressful. And if you're avoiding the light, you're probably avoiding your computers and your phones. Same time

spk_2:   43:14
I was gonna say with like technology now, like so on the phone like you can choose the red light at night on your own, you condemn some of those you could do the dark mode and things like that? Is that something that's helping or they just kind of like tricking us into thinking that it's like, OK and snow feeding the addiction? Or is it like a job or what? Like I guess, would,

spk_1:   43:32
Yeah, if you're gonna use your phone at night. Absolutely have it tonight. Yeah. I mean, so these are all suspect? I mean, blue light. I consider it enough, You know, why doesn't he met? So like again? Any reduction is better than none. So if you're gonna use your phone and you are blocking the light Good, great. But, you know, at least the utilizing

spk_2:   43:51
those features is better than nothing, for

spk_0:   43:54
sure. So do you do anything online? Like, how come people reach out to you? I mean, we live in one of the most polluted countries in the world, so, you know, I would love for you to take your

spk_2:   44:04
little device around way back to send someone else. D'oh! Yeah, I can't I

spk_1:   44:15
can't imagine. Sure. Yeah. So I'm actually, it's asleep is my specialty. You know, I got into nutrition and building biology because I was having right on sleep issues for over 10 years, 15 years and I had to figure out myself like you guys have talked about a lot of the show, you know, conventional conditional mess and model doesn't always help. These situations are doctors don't know about the mess and air quality. I'm in the process of developing a sleep course. An online sleep course is titled The Sleep Easy Method, and I'm probably gonna launch it so sometime in February or March and it goes through eight modules a lot of what we've talked about circadian rhythm, blood sugar, balancing, hormone response, psychological stressors. But I have one whole module specifically on the M s. And I mean that module alone is worth the whole program because I break it down piece by piece, until people exactly how to go through their homes and mitigate their exposure and all the different stuff they can take from hardwire and completely. Or if it's just turning the WiFi often night putting a time, you could put a timer on your WiFi router so it goes off a 10 every night, comes on it 6 a.m. or whatever you want it to be. So that entire module goes step by step in helping people to mitigate. And then if people I want to go a little deeper, I recommend they by and meet her like we talked about earlier. And this is best done in person. You have a building biologist with your house, clearly identify what feels you're exposed to helpyou, remediate. But if that's not an option, and somebody can purchase the meter and then we could do something like over Skype for Zoom and just kind of walking through it and help you find your exposure and then the mitigation strategies to reduce it.

spk_0:   45:59
That's pretty cool. That's awesome. I'd love to bring you back on before you launch the course and kind of give us a lead. Give our listeners like a synopsis of the course in case they wanted to take it. I mean, I know we have a lot of athletes that listen to our show. We have a good mix of athletes and non athletes, easy gym goers and people that like psychology, apparently s. So I mean, it would be awesome if you come back on and talk about sleep a little bit and sort of introduced that course and a couple of people sign up for I know in Kuwait were still we're like, what may you take five years, 10 years behind on this stuff

spk_2:   46:31
as a five first year and usually Yeah. Helping health and fitness, I would say e mean, yeah. Think this frustrating. Well, I

spk_1:   46:44
say across the board, though, I mean, talk to people every day here that have never heard of Blue Light before and have no idea. It's like it's where we put our attention. And if we're not interested in learning

spk_0:   46:56
Yeah, that's true. 100%. Thank you so much.

spk_1:   46:59
Yeah. Thank you, guys. This is really

spk_2:   47:01
fun. Happy to have a conversation? Yeah, it was great to learn more. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us.

spk_0:   47:06
Totally freaked me out, by the way. Like way. Just like man, I

spk_2:   47:12
got to go. I'm gonna go walk to the grocery, starting out of I handwrite my list. You don't do that like I always write my list. Thank you so much. That was great. Yeah. Thank you guys. Appreciate it.

spk_0:   47:30
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